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Tekton | Rendering software – General

Tekton, rendering software provides the user the ability to «visualize» the work as to be constructed while experimenting with various special-effects, such as lighting, fog, aperture, material texture in order to add expressivity in VR scenes created. The rendering engine of TEKTON «skies» ensures the perfect representation and assembly of the applied materials even with two depiction methods, fractal imaging and surface mapping. The application of photorealism offers the option to view various alternatives of the project before its construction, by combining, abstracting or adding materials and details and satisfy the client’s demands. Furthermore; the user may create a virtual tour around the project by combining successive scenes.

The visual theme is completed with the installation of «observers», ie entities that simulate the eye of the architect on site. Observers are placed on the floor plan and through parameters their precise location in three dimensions is determined. They also have a variable field of view, with the angle defined by the user for the «framing» of the scene.

House exterior at night (architect: M. Filippa).
House exterior at night (architect: M. Filippa).
House interior view (architect: M. Filippa).
House interior view (architect: M. Filippa).

Multicore processing

To further enhance the productivity of the designer TEKTON exploiting the current technology of multi-core processors, accelerates the composition and rendering of images and allows faster navigation. Even projects with large data volumes are no trouble for TEKTON. Thanks to an excellent graphic engine, our software optimally exploits the high computing power of modern graphic cards.

