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What is new in the latest version of Fespa IS?

Automatic calculation of wind loads according to Indian Standards

Wind pressure is distributed along the height of the building according to IS875-3 §5.4 and the resulting force acts on the diaphragms. The generated wind actions are automatically combined, according to IS456 table 8, with dead, imposed loads and with snow (if any).

The wind load pattern in elevation is presented in the Report.

In the new tab «Wind and snow loads» of the «Building» entity insert all required info for the automatic calculation of wind loads according to Indian Standards.
In the new tab «Wind and snow loads» of the «Building» entity insert all required info for the automatic calculation of wind loads according to Indian Standards.
The wind load pattern in elevation is presented in the Report.
The wind load pattern in elevation is presented in the Report.

Flat slab simulation using the equivalent frame method

In Fespa IS flat slabs can be analysed and designed using the equivalent frame method according to Indian Standards.

In Fespa IS flat slabs are simulated using the «Beam» entity. The uniformly distributed load is applied as linear to the simulation beams, which are characterised as flat slabs and the reinforcement is automatically calculated. Checks and detailing are carried out according to IS456.

In the new tab «Wind and snow loads» of the «Building» entity insert all required info for the automatic calculation of wind loads according to Indian Standards.
In the new tab «Wind and snow loads» of the «Building» entity insert all required info for the automatic calculation of wind loads according to Indian Standards.
In Fespa IS flat slabs can be analysed and designed using the equivalent frame method according to Indian Standards.
In Fespa IS flat slabs can be analysed and designed using the equivalent frame method according to Indian Standards.

Automatic creation of multiple grid lines

Using as reference one prototype grid line, create instantly in the defined location a set of parallel grid lines.

Automatic creation of multiple grid lines in two steps. <b>Step 1</b>: set the prototype grid line and the entities” detection area
Automatic creation of multiple grid lines in two steps. Step 1: set the prototype grid line and the entities” detection area
Automatic creation of multiple grid lines in two steps. <b>Step 2</b>: automatic generation of multiple grid lines replicating the prototype grid line.
Automatic creation of multiple grid lines in two steps. Step 2: automatic generation of multiple grid lines replicating the prototype grid line.

Access to our integrated knowledge base through the user interface of Fespa IS
Access to our integrated knowledge base through the user interface of Fespa IS

Access to our integrated knowledge base through the user interface of Fespa IS

We provide free support through our integrated knowledge base, available on the internet in an easy-to-search website.

  • Learn from Fespa IS books, user’s guides and examples.
  • Watch videos.
  • Search the tutorials to find useful tips and answers to common questions.

