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Tekton tutorials

Which entities belong to the architectural layer and which to the structural layer?

All linear entities of Tekton (Line, Arc, Spline, Hatch, Text, Dimensions) belong …

How do I modify the Layer settings while on «Paper view»?

Click «Paper view» on «Basic» toolbar….

How do I plot/print my drawings out of office?

Select the «CAD» tool on «Basic» toolbar…

How do I insert a text file in a drawing?

In order to insert in Master a text document that you have…

How do I describe a part of a building that needs to be rotated?

Describe the part of the building that does not…

How do I create a drawing with two buildings separated by a seismic joint

The different buildings are created in separate files which…

How do I print/plot a drawing with most line colours in black and only a few in colour?

Let’s assume that you have a plan drawing with all line […]

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