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Fespa tutorials

How is raft foundation created?

In the tab «Foundation beams» of «Generate», the desired dimensions…

How is a large scale raft foundation simulated?

For the simulation, use rectangular beams resting on elastic subsoil…

How do I deal with the development of negative soil stresses at footings (or foundation beams)?

Όταν εμφανίζονται αρνητικές τάσεις εδάφους αυτό σημαίνει συνήθως ότι …

How do I insert a pile foundation?

Insertion of piles: Either with the command «Add fixed end column»…

How are rigid offsets and rigid girders simulated?

Clear length of beam Ln and elastic length of beam…

Frame equivalent model of elevator core

Representation of unified core by using independent sections…

37-45 from 66