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Fespa tutorials

How are water tanks or pools simulated?

… the triangular load pattern to be modelled, the columns have to …

Which parameters affect the type of the structural system?

Structural types: Frame system ( nV < 0.35)…

How do I deal with the existence of a soft storey?

For frame or frame equivalent dual concrete systems …

How do I improve the torsional behaviour of a building?

By arranging the walls properly: Shear walls (e.g. elevator cores) should be avoided…

How are unfavourable variable actions being handled?

The unfavourable variable actions are controlled by…

Combinations of actions

Permanent actions + Self weight G, Variable actions Q …

Seismic joint

The size of the seismic joint for every level and seismic direction is presented…

Variable loads of slabs depending on the floor use

Categories of use and corresponding qk values…

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